OUR TEAM Meet Our Team Below are the members of our team. We are here to guide and assist you through your professional journey. MRS Susan Chirikure ZITA PRESIDENT Mr Simon Gwenzi ZITA VICE PRESIDENT MR PETER DUBE ZITA JUNIOR PRESIDENT MR STEVE MATOUSHAYA ZITA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MS VIRGINIA MUTSAGO ZITA Chairperson: Education Committee MS Rumbidzai Kanyenze ZITA chairperson: Finance and Administration Mr Tapiwa Dalu ZITA CHAIRPERSON: Technical Committee mR tAFADZWA MHONDE ZITA CHAIRPESRON: governance Committee Mr David Masaya ZITA council member Mr Ronald Gumbo ZITA council member Mrs Monica Gotora ZITA council member Mr Alex Majachani ZITA council member Mr Johannes Muchada ZITA council member Mrs Josephine BANDA ZITA council member