Zimbabwe Institute of Tax Accountants

Certificate in Applied Taxation( a ZITA/ICAZ Course)

Registration Information

For information on course registrations costs and dates register your interest via:

  • email training@icaz.org.zw.
  • Or call on 0772708052

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ) in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Institute of Tax Accountants (ZITA) is offering a threemonth online certification course in applied taxation. The tax course is designed to equip candidates with tax knowledge and practical tax skills tailored to meet business needs. Candidates will also obtain practical understanding of tax compliance and planning issues which enable them to achieve commercial business decisions based on practical tax solutions. Topics covered in the Online Certificate in Applied Taxation include:

  • Direct and Indirect Taxes in Zimbabwe, covering overview of Income Tax; VAT and Customs.
  • International Tax, including Withholding Taxes; Digital Taxation and Transfer Pricing.

Course is suitable for:

  • Finance professionals seeking a cutting edge in taxation issues for aspects such as taxation planning and transfer pricing
  • Auditors
  • Newly Qualified Finance Professionals
  • Finance professionals in the diaspora who are seeking a course that would refresh their understanding of the local tax legislation.